Food for Thought: Why are Animal Protection Organizations Serving Meat at their fundraisers?
Animal People Forum, January, 2020
Animal-friendly Menu Policies: It’s a Thing You Should Do!
HSUS Animal Sheltering Blog, August 2019
Animal Place Launches Grant Program To Inspire Charities To Host Vegan Events, October, 2018
Animal Place Sanctuary Offers Nonprofits $1,000 For Making Their Events Vegan
LIVEKINDLY, October, 2018
Animal Place Launches Grant Program To Inspire Charities To Host Vegan Events, October, 2018
Is Pasadena Humane Society Standing for All Animals?
Guest Opinion,, June, 2018
Center for Biological Diversity and Animal Place Partner to Offer Food for Thought on Animal Agriculture
Press release, May, 2018
Campaign Manager Patti Nyman Interviewed on Animals Today Radio
Animals Today Radio, April 1, 2018
Helping Farmed Animals: High-Impact Rescue, January 25, 2018
No Vegan Snakes (scroll to bottom)
Tuscon Arizona Daily Star, December 8, 2017
New Grant for Environmental and Wildlife Groups with Vegan Menu Policies
Cowspiracy Blog, November 15, 2017
Northeast Coordinator Deva Holub interviewed on "All My Children Wear Fur Coats" Radio
PetWill Radio, October 30, 2017
5 Animal Rescues Adopting Vegan Food Policies
VegNews, June 16, 2017
Killing One Animal to Save Another: Shelters and Rescues Going Veg
Barefoot Vegan Magazine, March/April 2017
Put your mission where your mouth is: menu policies for nonprofits
Cowspiracy Blog, January 23, 2017
Humane food policies aren't just for vegans
HSUS Animal Sheltering Blog, October 18th, 2016
Feathers ruffled over Pets Lifeline auction item
Sonoma Index-Tribune, July 28, 2016
To Serve Animals Or To Serve Animals
PETA Prime, July 20, 2016
Our Hen House mentions Animal Place's Food for Thought
Our Hen House, May 7, 2016
Animal Place's 'Food For Thought' Program Promoting Vegetarian/Vegan Menu Policy
Endorsed by Best Friends Animal Society
My Social Good News, March 3, 2016
Best Friends Animal Society Endorses Vegan-Vegetarian Menu Policy
Vegan Magazine, March 3, 2016
Campaign Manager Jonathan Hussain interviewed on Nonhuman Radio
KZFR, February 10, 2016
Compassionate Meals For Compassionate Organizations
The Kind Life, January 29, 2016
Meat Off the Menu: A Local Animal Rescue Organization Goes Vegetarian for Official Events
Calgary Herald, January 7, 2016
Agency Aligns Policy, Mission
Southern York County Community Courier, July 2015
Food For Thought: We Should Not Serve Animals to Save Animals
Faunalytics, June 2015
Why Dog and Cat Rescue Shelters Are Taking Meat off the Menu at Fundraisers
One Green Planet, May 28, 2015
Is It Ever Okay for an Animal Welfare Organization to Serve Meat at a Fundraiser?
One Green Planet, May 12, 2015
Rescue honored for animal-friendly menus
Chicago Tribune, May 6, 2015
Animal welfare groups may be losing their appetite for meat
Chicago Tribune, March 12, 2015
Brother Wolf, Asheville's no-kill shelter, goes vegan
Citizen-Times, March 6, 2015
Brother Wolf receives kudos for serving an all-vegan menu
Mountain Xpress, March 3, 2015
Shelter Menus
T.O.F.U. Magazine, February 26, 2015 (pg. 60)
Shelter wins award for vegan approach
Bennington Banner, October 4, 2014
Local convention for animal welfare workers serves plant-based foods only
The Daytona Beach News-Journal, May 28, 2014
Is It Hypocritical for Animal Shelters to Serve Animal Products at Fundraisers?, September 4, 2014
St. Hubert's Animal Welfare Center receives honors for vegetarian policy, August 18, 2014
To Protect ... and Serve?
Animal Sheltering Magazine, June 2014
Animal Rescues: Is it Ethical to Save One Animal and Eat Another?, March 20, 2014
Kim Sturla from Animal Place discusses the Food for Thought program
Animals Today, March 2, 2014
Learn about Food for Thought...
Happy Cow, February / March 2014
Pet rescue groups being asked to stop serving meat at events, February 5, 2014
Vegan Food For Thought
Vegans Eat What?, January 22, 2014
Success for Animal Place's Food for Thought program
This Dish is Vegetarian, January 17, 2014
Animal Place: Protect all Animals
Eat Drink Better, January 17, 2014
Animal Place and the Food for Thought Campaign
The "V" Word, January 7, 2014
Amy’s Gluten-Free Vegan Burritos and other Odds and Ends
Jack Norris RD, January 7, 2014
Don't Eat the Dog (Or Anyone Else)
Our Hen House, January 3, 2014
Encouraging Shelters to Rethink Their Menu Policies
Animal Place Magazine, Fall 2013
Steak Dinner Raises $640 for Abused Animals
Kirschner's Korner, July 15, 2012