“You have to walk the walk in the environmental movement. Being an environmental organization means being vegan. I don’t believe in gray areas on this issue. The raising of meat for human consumption causes more greenhouse gases than all transportation combined. People are starting to understand that the best way to make changes for the environment is to change what’s on your plate.”
“It sends a mixed signal to the public if you are helping cats and dogs while eating other animals. No one involved in animal rescue would deny cats or dogs have feelings and emotional lives of their own, so it’s a natural step to also believe farmed animals are sentient beings capable of feeling emotions as well.”
“It doesn’t make any sense to promote the concept of caring for animals and the environment, but then serve animals. Align your actions with your ethics for a more powerful message.”
“While we do not want to dictate personal choices, as an organization choosing to spend our money in such a way makes sense. I do feel that such a policy reflects a ‘walking the talk’ attitude. This is not dissimilar from an expectation, although short of policy, of staff being responsible pet owners by having their dogs and cats spayed and neutered, and not breeding animals.”
“There seemed little sense in accepting donations from the public toward our cause of protecting animals only to then spend some of that money on unnecessarily supporting the very industries that were causing so much pain and suffering to animals. We are a humane organization; what is the point of protecting animals all day long, only to serve them up on a platter at that evening’s donor reception?”
“We could not, in good faith, raise money for one animal species to the detriment of another – even more so for us than other animal rescues, as rabbits are an animal that are often eaten themselves. We feel good that no animals are being harmed due to our fundraising efforts to help rabbits, and we encourage other groups to do the same.”
“Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest supports the Food for Thought program because we recognize that our actions should reflect our values, and we value reducing the harm inflicted on all animals by humans. Serving only vegan food at our events also opens up our celebrations to vegans, vegetarians, and omnivores alike - no one has to worry about what will appear on their plate.”
“For those of us working in animal rescue, sheltering, and protection, it’s our responsibility to help when and where we can and that can extend to the food we serve at our events. An animal friendly menu policy is an extension of your mission – and even mine as a TV personality - to support animals in need and widen the public’s circle of compassion.”
“If someone has concerns that there might be drawbacks to adopting a vegetarian friendly policy at their shelter, I would suggest they think long and hard about why they got into this business. We’re the ones on the frontlines rescuing animals in our communities, and it just doesn’t make sense to rescue a dog or a cat… and then turn around and serve meat at a community-based function. Why do we go out there and rescue these animals when we’re serving other ones for people to eat?”
Marc Bekoff, Biologist
Linda Blair, Actress
David Carter, Athlete
Kathy Freston, Author
Jackson Galaxy, TV Host/Behaviorist
Melanie Joy, Author/Social Psychologist
Carol Liefer, Writer/Comedian
Patrick McDonnell, Cartoonist
Lani Muelrath, Author
Hannah Shaw, Author/Educator
Alicia Silverstone, Actress
Jane Velez-Mitchell, Journalist