Food for Thought is a program of Animal Place, one of the oldest
and largest sanctuaries for farmed animals in the United States.
We help animal rescue organizations extend their compassion
to all animals by adopting a vegan or vegetarian menu policy for events.
What is a Vegan or Vegetarian menu policy?
A vegan or vegetarian menu policy is a written, board-approved policy. The policy states that organizational funds will only be spent on vegan or vegetarian foods for your guests at events and fundraisers. Adopting a policy aligns your menu with your mission of saving animal lives and establishes you as a Food For Thought Policy Leader.
What is a Policy Leader?
A Policy Leader is an organization that has adopted a vegan or vegetarian menu policy that is verified with Food For Thought. Your organization is welcome to create your own policy or we can help by writing a plant-based menu policy on your behalf. With your permission, we will list your organization on the Policy Leaders page of our website and promote you on social media.
Informational brochure
If you’d like to learn more about Food for Thought, please read our informational brochure. This informational brochure can also be used as a presentation for your board meetings. Use our printout version for your board members to follow along with the presentation.

A customized draft menu policy for your organization
Grants for vegan events and new menu policies
Inclusion Policy
At Food for Thought, we strive to support and respect people of all gender identities, racial identities, nationalities, sexualities, abilities, ages, religions, ethnicities, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Our team recognizes that inclusiveness is an ongoing process of educating ourselves. We invite any feedback on how we can be more inclusive.