Adopting a plant-based menu policy is easy!
Follow these simple steps and remember that we're here to help.
Add "Menu Policy" to the agenda for your next board meeting.
Check to see if your organization qualifies for our Policy Grant!
Print our Food for Thought materials to distribute to your board for review prior to the meeting.
Facilitate an educated and thoughtful discussion during your board meeting.
Use our Sample Policies to draft the language of the policy to best suit your organization. If you’d like us to create a policy on behalf of your organization, fill out the form below or email us.
Bring the policy to a vote.
Have your executive director meet with staff to implement the policy.
Tell us about your new policy! We'll add your organization to our Policy Leaders page and promote your organization on social media.
Already have a policy at your organization and want to be included on our Policy Leader page? Submit your policy below.